Denise Crolle-Terzaghi
Denise Crolle-Terzaghi
Denise Crolle-Terzaghi is a visual artist specialising in mixed media (engraving, printing, collage, mixed techniques on paper and textiles). She is also the author of numerous books on DIY and the esoteric. Visit her studio to discover her work or take part in one of her courses in linocut, printing without a press, collage or other Fine Art techniques. Classes are given in French, but can also be held in English, depending on the audience. Before Christmas, the workshop opens its doors and is transformed into a temporary boutique.
- Secondary type: engraving, modelware/drawing/plan
Opening hours
Open weekdays and weekends by appointment
Workshop open by appointment (weekdays and weekends). Classes given on request, depending on my availability and that of the public. Please register by telephone at least 2 days in advance.