Leyla-Claire RABIH, with her company Le Grenier Neuf, sees theatre as a treasure hunt linked to direct reality. With Elles avant nous, following several exploratory trips in 2022 and 2023, she has invented a documentary form based on interviews with young women in Mayotte. How do these women, at the dawn of existential choices, combine their multiple identities at the crossroads of tradition and modernity? How do they see themselves fitting into society and charting their own course? How do these French women from the periphery see themselves as citizens and free women? Portrayed by three actresses from the Indian Ocean who have settled in France, these intimate stories paint a portrait of a new generation of women from Mahor and shed light on the dreams of young women as they strive for personal and family fulfilment.
Opening hours
The 09/01/2025
- Jeudi: from 20h00 to 21h15
The 10/01/2025
- Vendredi: from 20h00 to 21h15
- Base rate : 10,00 € - Intrepid fare