The sand show "Cinderella" tells the story of a young girl who, thanks to the magic of her fairy godmother and her good heart, attends a ball and meets her true love. This fairy tale about good and evil shows that miracles can happen, especially to those who are pure of heart.
Narrated by the King of the Fairy Kingdom, who witnesses the events, the story is brought to life by the artists Svitlana Danilchenko and Olga Kryzhanovskaya. The music, the actor's voice and the artists' performances create a magical atmosphere.
Opening hours
26/02/2025 at 2.30pm and 4.30pm
27/02/2025 at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm
The 26/02/2025
- Mercredi: from 14h30 and from 16h30
The 27/02/2025
- Jeudi: from 10h30 and from 14h30
- Base rate : to %s 10,00 €
- Child rate : to %s 8,00 €
- Reduced rate : to %s 7,00 € - jobseekers, students, casual entertainment workers, people with disabilities