Ça disparait ?


Ça disparait ?

Theatre - giromagny

Ça disparait ?



On stage, two illusionists. Without really asking questions, they make things appear, disappear, teleport and transform. But why? They have a hard time answering that question, they don't agree. And it's not just this question that divides them. Between these two, everything is open to debate and misappropriation. Where does it go when it disappears? Does it really disappear? And if I look away, has it disappeared? If one thinks things really disappear, the other thinks they're just hidden... But where are the dinosaurs hidden? In a double-bottom? And if the magician makes things disappear, does he also make the forests disappear? Magicians often find what they have made disappear. But not everything that disappears is always found. If two magicians decide to disappear in a show, do they take the risk of never reappearing?

Opening hours

Sunday 09 February at 3pm

The 09/02/2025

  • Dimanche: from 15h00


  • Base rate : to %s 10,00 €
  • Child rate : to %s 5,00 €